TETRABOT is a Cartesian robot with freestanding cantilever structure, with three and four interpolated axes. The work area can be customised from 400x400mm to 800x600mm, with the possibility to install applications weighing 10 kg max. on axis Z. The rugged steel framework and the use of axes with preloaded belt with zero backlash, ensure high precision and utmost movement reliability.
TETRABOT is controlled by the groundbreaking motion control system “ALPHA” by Alutec, which, combined with the new proprietor software ALPHA, guarantees reference performances and new functions, for both stand-alone operation and for communication of the robot with external systems (Bus CANopen, serial RS232 and 16IN/16OUT general purpose board included). The robot is programmed via the PC and subsequently controlled by the master line or via the operator panel ALPHA and can manage up to 255 programs and 100.000 processing points. The user-friendly graphic interface, the possibility to import files in .dxf, Gerber or Excel format and the new SUB-PROGRAMS function allow you to fulfil extremely complex operations on automation lines, very quickly and easily. TETRABOT is the perfect solution for manufacturers or integrators who need to integrate modular screwing, dispensing, soldering or pick & place applications.