751051 - TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars / Security panels / Accessories for structures and protections / Products / Alutec - Alutec Group
751051 - TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars / Security panels / Accessories for structures and protections / Products / Alutec - Alutec Group

TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars

cod. 751051

TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars

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Art. No. Material Supply size (mm) Custom length (mm) Weight (Kg/m²)
751051G raw steel 1240x2400 specify cutting direction and dimensions AxB (height x width) 4,800
751051 zinc plated steel 1240x2400 specify cutting direction and dimensions AxB (height x width) 4,800
751054 stainless steel 1240x2400 specify cutting direction and dimensions AxB (height x width) 4,800
751051G TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars - raw steel 751051G 0.00€  
751051 TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars - zinc plated steel 751051 0.00€  
751054 TEC accident prevention grid Ø2,85 mm bars - stainless steel 751054 0.00€